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Application Equipment
TIS sells a variety of application equipment for use in lumber and plywood mills.

Asphalt Release Agents & Cleaners
TIS Asphalt Release Agents & Cleaners are made from Soy Bean and Citrus oils. Most state, county, and city agencies are requiring that alternative products be used on their roadways, instead of diesel or other petroleum based materials that contaminate soil and water, and also degrade asphalt.

Government Purchases
This section of our website is for government purchases, and includes products normally used by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. This is password protected area. If you are a government employee seeking access to this area, please contact your supervisor or our sales department for access information.

Manufactured Housing
TIS manufactures Chassis Paint for frames and axles, Floor Sealer, and PVA Adhesives that are sold through dealers to the manufactured housing industry.

Wood Products Industry
TIS manufactures lumber end seal, lumber end wax, plywood edge seal, wood primer, wood epoxy, wood putty, grade stamp ink, marking ink, lumber stencil paint and wood stain.